How to Join MARCS

Membership Information

The Madison Area Radio Control Society (MARCS) is comprised of members interested in all aspects of model aviation.

We have a new flying field in Cottage Grove off of Hwy TT. This field is on private property and is available for flying glow, gas, electric airplanes as well as helicopters and multi-rotor helicopters (AKA quadcopters).  (See Flying Field page for more info)

An AMA membership is required in order to join MARCS. Here is the AMA Membership Link.

Once you have received your AMA Membership, complete MARCS application and either bring it to one of our monthly meetings or mail it to our treasurer. Instructions are on the application. We accept payment by check, PayPal, or cash if you join in person at a meeting.

If you would like to join MARCS, please print and complete the following application: MARCS Membership Application

Alternatively you can fill out the online membership application form here. If you wish to pay with PayPal, please enter the email address you use for your PayPal account in the online form. You will receive a request for payment from the MARCS treasurer.

FAA Registration is recommended but not required to become a MARCS member.  FAA Registration Link

FAA The Recreational UAS Safety Test or TRUST is used to ensure pilots understand the risks prior to flyingFAA TRUST Test 

To make a donation or online payment, please use this link with PayPal: